Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dec. 20, 2010 Jake is in Mexico!

Dear Family

Well what to say! 

I' m in mexico... everything you hear is true kinda and kinda not!
I'm in shock.  This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I really don't know what to say.
The first night was freaking crazy and that night changed my life forever! This is freakin crazy. ....
I can't even explain to you the things that went on and are going on its just crazy.

Here is the basic information. I got sent to Coatzacoalcos in Veracrus on a bus. I'm on a beach and I have a native companion named Elder Marin. I'm in a 2 room apartment (2 room for bathroom kitchen beds study everything) with 3 native Mexicans. Its all day everyday Spanish and I don't know anything. I have been really humbled and I can't wait to talk to you soon, the 24th actually! When you call here ask for Elder Johnston the gringo!
     That is great you have that phone mom wow. That's cool especially because it could buy like 2 houses where I am.
     There are 4 of us sleeping in one room. One in 2 side by side, one at the foot of us and one in a hammock above us.
     This is so hard. The language is hard. No one can explain anything to you and its freakin hot. The people are so poor and not healthy. It's hard I'm not going to lie to you, but I have already had some of the best experiences of my life. I love it. I'm not complaining one bit I just want you to know.
    It's really hard when the Mexicans you live with want all your stuff because they think you are rich and say it all the time - that really stinks.
    The Lord is watching over me. I don't know how but he is keeping me safe. I have already seen illegal activty, someone hit by a bus, and like every movie you see how there are like 10 Mexicans in a car with 1 white guy..... well lets just say I haven't been sitting by myself since I got here.
     Well, I do have 2 baptisms this weekend.  My companion and I have been working hard this last week and will more this coming week. My pday is Monday every week now and I have to have a part in my hair .
     I love you all sooooo much and I pray for you and for help every time I pray. I love you and always have a smile on your face because you dont know how good you have it.

Love You All Tons
Love Forever.
Elder Johnston

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